Our newest addition 💕
Wednesday, July 19, 2017 I wasn’t looking for a puppy. But as is the case with many of our dogs they seem to find me even when I’m not looking. (just ask Chief or Charlotte) I was and still am grieving … Continued
Wednesday, July 19, 2017 I wasn’t looking for a puppy. But as is the case with many of our dogs they seem to find me even when I’m not looking. (just ask Chief or Charlotte) I was and still am grieving … Continued
Tuesday, July 18, 2017 We’re back at the ranch and it feels good to be home. The wedding was perfect and it was great to reconnect with family. I loved getting welcome home kisses from the dogs, purrs from the kitties, (especially little … Continued
Thursday, July 13, 2017 Today we’re hosting a tour for the National County Agent Association Conference. This means that Agriculture agents from all over the country will be touring Blue Moon Ranch as part of their annual conference. It’s been on … Continued
Wednesday, July 12, 2017 We did some halter training earer this week and got the 4 “tweener” boys set up in their new suite next to the bachelor boys. Even tiny little Grenada was moved over because recently he started playing … Continued
Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Foxtails. ughhhh ‘Tis the season! If you don’t have animals you might think they are pretty grasses waving the breeze. But for those of us that have animals who step on or near them they can be … Continued
Monday, July 10, 2017 The hay barns are all stacked to the rafters with wonderful local hay and it feels so good to know we’re now able to feed all winter! Our delivery crew almost melted in the heat but … Continued
Sunday, July 9, 2017 We’re getting our annual hay delivery today! We’re expecting a little over 700 bales of locally grown hay to keep the herd well fed until next spring. It will be pretty warm again this afternoon, so … Continued
Saturday, July 8, 2017 How lovely to wake up to a cool 48° this morning! It kind of boggles my mind how so many people my age move to warm places like Arizona or Florida. Anything over 80° is too … Continued
Friday, July 7, 2017 We had a big success here yesterday as 2 of our new stud males were brought over to meet the girls. Both Romulus and Mojo performed like pros! Very often the boys inspire each other with … Continued
Thursday, July 6, 2017 I really can’t complain about the heat since we are at least 10 degrees cooler here than most of Utah. Yesterday I drove to Salt Lake City and the thermometer in my car registed 107°. yikes! (it was … Continued
Wednesday, July 5, 2017 Well, all the dogs survived the scariest holiday of the year and if only I thought it was over, I’d feel better. In Utah we also have the 24th of July (Pioneer Day or Pie and … Continued
Tuesday, July 4, 2017 Happy Fourth of July! And it’s so good to be back at my home sweet home. I’m so grateful that I was able to visit my dear mom and that my dear daughter was able to … Continued
Friday, June 30, 2017 This will be the last update I’ll be able to make until I return from my visit to Kentucky to visit my mom. She’s in as assisted living center there and a visit is in order. … Continued
Thursday, June 29, 2017 Our kitten Bogart adjusted the camera when he was playing around it a few days ago and I’ve heard from some viewers that they like the new view. What do you think? Leave it? Move it … Continued