Saying goodbye
Thursday August 17, 2017 Today we’re saying good-bye to 4 more alpacas. They’ve been boarding her for a while after they were sold so I knew this day would come eventually. I’m always sad to see them go but happy … Continued
Thursday August 17, 2017 Today we’re saying good-bye to 4 more alpacas. They’ve been boarding her for a while after they were sold so I knew this day would come eventually. I’m always sad to see them go but happy … Continued
Wednesday August 16, 2017 I guess it’s a good thing I was too busy with my grandson yesterday to listen to any of the news. It appears the sad excuse of a president that we have has again tried to blame … Continued
Tuesday August 15, 2017 What’s happening today? Shipping out orders from the store (thank you!) trying to finish the newsletter before picking up our grandson, then a vet checkup for Belle. A busy morning for sure. I’m happy we have … Continued
Monday August 14, 2017 Time for a Belle update! Last week she had her first official visit with a professional dog trainer. The trainer was very impressed with Belle’s focus and attention to people and her mellow but alert temperament. … Continued
Sunday August 13, 2017 Waking up to rolling thunder is lovely on a Sunday morning. I do sense a bit of change in the air and although I know we have much summer left, I always welcome fall with open arms. … Continued
Saturday August 12,2017 Visitors coming today, of course, it’s Saturday! 🙂 We got 3 new bags of yarn back last night, they look wonderful and I can’t wait to see them in the sunlight today. I still have about a dozen … Continued
Friday August 11, 2017 A knitting group came to knit at the ranch yesterday, can you imagine knitting with alpacas wandering around you? I think they had fun. 🙂 I know Scarlett the friendly alpaca did. lol They also loved … Continued
Thursday August 10, 2017 I’ve had a few comments and questions about why the daily update and photo of the day are no longer on the alpaca cam page. Simply, it’s because word press made an update to the … Continued
Wednesday August 9, 2017 Do you know that wonderful feeling when all your projects are done, you’ve checked everything off your list and you can sit back and look at your accomplishments? Well neither do I! haha Wednesday is Farmers … Continued
Tuesday August 8, 2017 Our vet will be coming here today to give 4 alpacas health checks for their trip to Colorado and a new home. Our grandson will also be here for the day today and he loves to … Continued
Monday August 7, 2017 It looks like we’re in for a bit of a cool down. Highs in the 70’s and lows in the 40’s is forecasted for most of the week. Perfect! We have a private tour scheduled for … Continued
Sunday August 6, 2017 Oh I think we made some beautiful babies yesterday. Well at least the boys had fun trying. Romulus has definitely figured out his “job”, SilverLake had a date with Patchouli and Stetson and Piper lasted longer … Continued
Saturday August 5, 2017 The permanent shelter is finally up and now I’ll get to create the space I’ve planned for. But for now Chief has clamed it as his personal shade space and that’s just fine with me. The … Continued
Friday August 4,2017 A sweet friend came by for a visit yesterday and brought me a plaque with these words on it: “It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart … Continued