The PIBs are here!
Thursday January 24, 2019 Today is the first day of the Sundance Film Festival in Park City Utah. The PIBs (people in black) will take over the town for the next 2 weeks leaving us to find other place to … Continued
Thursday January 24, 2019 Today is the first day of the Sundance Film Festival in Park City Utah. The PIBs (people in black) will take over the town for the next 2 weeks leaving us to find other place to … Continued
Wednesday January 23, 2019 Oh dear,”they” say we’ll have more snow today. I take a walking stick with me when I go out these days, there are “potholes” under the new snow just waiting to trip me up! Charlotte keeps … Continued
Tuesday January 22, 2019 It snowed most of the day yesterday and all my paths are buried. Ed got the driveway cleared out last night and I’ll work on the paths today. Hey, it’s winter – that’s what we do. … Continued
Monday January 21, 2019 Don’t let the title mislead you. I’m not looking for that ex, rather my big X that is shoveled in the barn yard. It’s a perfect snow pathway system to get me from the house to … Continued
Sunday January 20, 2019 Well, we dug out enough snow that we are functional for now. More snow on Monday and then it looks like we’ll have clear cold days for a while. The hay supply and wood piles look … Continued
Saturday January 19, 2019 The snow in Woodland is absolutely gorgeous. And today we’ll start digging out what was delivered here. I managed to maneuver and shovel just enough to open some of the gates yesterday but we need to … Continued
Friday January 18, 2019 Our dear sweet Bonny, the oldest alpaca in our herd left her body yesterday for greener pastures. She was 24 and enjoyed life right up til the end. I sat with her as she took her … Continued
Thursday January 17, 2019 If it wouldn’t bother our dogs we might be lighting fireworks today to celebrate Ed’s birthday. lol 🎆 Because each year at any age is precious and needs to be celebrated! And he is kind of … Continued
Wednesday January 16, 2019 The fleeces are looking great this year, well the adults any way. The babies have way more hay in theirs than I’d like but we do not “tip shear” our babies. Our nights are cold all … Continued
Tuesday January 15, 2019 More snow is on the way for us, and that’s just fine. We still need quite a bit more snowpack in the mountains to help with the water supplies for next summer. This is a concept … Continued
Monday January 14, 2019 We lost a dear friend over the weekend and it’s hard for me to come up with a blog post that ignores that fact. She was a positive and colorful personality that loved life and all … Continued
Sunday January 13 2019 Our knitting class was a success and I was happy to see smiling faces as the afternoon went on and the stitches were moving smoothly from one needle to the other. We’ll do it again I’m … Continued
Saturday January 12, 2019 Today we’re hosting a beginner knitting class. I love introducing people to the art of wrapping strands of yarn together in a way to create wearable things! Especially when it involves alpaca yarn. It will be … Continued
Friday January 11, 2019 Have you seen what might appear to be “mating” going on in front of the alpaca cam? Rest assured, the fences that separate the boys from the girls are very secure and we even have them … Continued