Ahhh June!
Tuesday, June 1, 2021 June is undeniably the prettiest month of the year if you happen to be lucky enough to live in Woodland Utah. The trees are all bursting out with the most vibrant green and birds have come … Continued
Tuesday, June 1, 2021 June is undeniably the prettiest month of the year if you happen to be lucky enough to live in Woodland Utah. The trees are all bursting out with the most vibrant green and birds have come … Continued
Monday, May 31, 2021 In remembrance of those who served this country and never came home, we will bow our heads today. Then if we find any free time we can go in to our little town where there will … Continued
Sunday, May 30, 2021 We hosted some lovely guests for private tours of the ranch yesterday and today we’ll get to enjoy some R and R with our family. Weather is perfect – high of 72° and sunny. We’ll pray … Continued
Saturday, May 29, 2021 As we start the Memorial day weekend, it’s not a bad idea to recall why we do. It’s an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while … Continued
Friday, May 28, 2021 I finished 2 of the spirit dolls yesterday, one is already sold and I’ll get the other ready for the store as soon as I can. I also had to start another. This guy (yes it’s … Continued
Thursday, May 27, 2021 There are many days that the dogs here take more of my time and attention than the alpacas. And that’s just fine. When I was a little girl I wanted a dog so bad, but my … Continued
Wednesday, May 26, 2021 It would be so much easier to sell alpacas if I didn’t pay such close attention to their community and relationships. But I do know that stress is a killer for these creatures and I want … Continued
Monday, May 24, 2021 The clouds this weekend brought us rain and snow and we’re grateful for both. Keeping the grass green and growing is critical to what we do. Grass feeds alpacas, alpacas grow fleece, fleece makes yarn and … Continued
Sunday, May 23, 2021 We got snow overnight! And more is expected this morning with rain this afternoon. I’m so glad our tour day was yesterday, the weather was fine except for a bit of wind. The alpacas and dogs … Continued
Friday, May 21, 2021 It looks like the rain today will postpone my pasture clean up day, but hey – you know how we feel about rain! We love it! I might even decide to just get on the tractor … Continued
Thursday, May 20, 2021 Our sweet newfypoo Belle turned 4 yesterday and I forgot to mention it. So today the post is all about Belle. She was welcomed by Jack and Ginger our 2 labradoodles 4 years ago and she … Continued
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 When we see alpacas in a huddle we know something is up, did someone just drop a baby, are they trying to stomp a racoon or other small creature? And why is the dog barking like … Continued