Back to the needles!
Monday, March 10, 2014 I’m not sure if it’s the change in the weather, or the herbs I’ve been taking or the Emu oil I’ve been rubbing on my hands, but I’m knitting again! I gave it up almost 2 … Continued
Monday, March 10, 2014 I’m not sure if it’s the change in the weather, or the herbs I’ve been taking or the Emu oil I’ve been rubbing on my hands, but I’m knitting again! I gave it up almost 2 … Continued
Sunday, March 9, 2014 Did you remember to set your clock ahead? Life in the barn is unchanged no matter what the clock says, so no big deal for the animals. Feed ’em when they’re hungry and all is good. The … Continued
Saturday, March 8, 2014 Abundant sunshine is what they are predicting for us today. That will be perfect for some spring clean up around the ranch. There are still lots of frozen bean piles and ice is under any of the … Continued
Friday, March 7, 2014 Well it’s all white again here this morning but I’m afraid it wont last. Slush is the word of the day. 🙂 Computer work will be easier to stick with while this kind of weather is … Continued
Thursday, March 6, 2014 When people visit Yaya’s Yarn Barn and see all the soap for sale in there, they ask me what does soap have to do with alpacas? Well, nothing, really. I have been making soap for many many … Continued
Wednesday, March 5, 2014 It’s usually pretty quiet at the ranch. Alpacas chewing, maybe a cat meowing, a cow in a neighbors field mooing. But generally it’s pretty quiet here. Except for when the redwing black birds start their spring singing … Continued
Tuesday, March 4, 2014 There are bare patches in the snow with bits of pasture showing and the alpacas are all over it. The best grazing areas are still closed off to them but I just can’t stand to confine them … Continued
Monday, March 3, 2014 Once in a while on a Sunday, between visitors and feeding chores Ed will say, “Want to take a ride?” Our neighborhood provides so much for photo opportunities I always say Yes. We started at the … Continued
Sunday, March 2, 2014 The amount of spam I’m getting since launching the new web site has been horrid. So I’ve installed a new plug in to hopefully cut that down. But please let me know if it makes it harder … Continued
Saturday, March 1, 2014 It’s March! That means we need to get ready for March Mudness. 😉 We did get a nice new blanket of white over night and it sure looks pretty this morning. We have visitors coming today and … Continued
Friday, February 28, 2104 Snow and freezing temps are back for a while but Matilda the Newfie decided it’s time to blow her winter coat. We have brown dog hair everywhere! And she seem to be little more “souped up” than … Continued
Thursday, February 27, 2104 Way back in 2011, we had several crias born , but only 2 were girls. Miracle and Millie. Oh my they could not have been more different. Miracle, so tiny and fragile, and Millie, so big and … Continued
Wednesday, February 26, 2104 The snow is melting a little too quickly for me. Hoping that the storm tomorrow will deliver a new coat of white for us. I’m just not ready for mud season yet. The alpacas wander farther … Continued
Tuesday, February 25, 2104 You know if you read these updates for any time at all that I love photography. And my subjects are usually alpacas or the other animals that I find on my paths. But last night the sun … Continued