Chilly Friday
Friday, September 12, 2014 It’s a nice chilly 26 degrees here this morning. Luckily there’s no precipitation in the forecast, or it would be of the white variety! We had one more load of hay delivered last night, one more … Continued
Friday, September 12, 2014 It’s a nice chilly 26 degrees here this morning. Luckily there’s no precipitation in the forecast, or it would be of the white variety! We had one more load of hay delivered last night, one more … Continued
Thursday, September 11, 2014 It dipped into the 30’s over night, there’s a change in the air and I love it. All the animals are more energized and I can finally take down those stinky fly traps. We have a … Continued
Wednesday, September 10, 2014 I know we need the rain, but I’m actually hoping for things to dry out a little today. If the forecasters are right, we’re in for lots of sunshine today. We certainly wont need to turn … Continued
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 So glad to have the cam back in action! Rain is in the forecast again today so there should be some good alpaca viewing ahead. 🙂 For now it looks like Tuesdays will be the day … Continued
Monday, September 8, 2014 Sorry friends, the cam is still down. 🙁 I’ll leave the little video up so you can at least watch Millie and Luna eat their hay again. It’s raining this morning, all the alpacas have moved … Continued
Wednesday, September 3, 2014 First the good news: We have ordered the replacement cable for the alpaca cam, and it should arrive in a few days. The bad news – no alpaca views for today. so sorry. But I’ll give … Continued
Monday, September 1, 2014 Happy Labor Day! There’s a little chill in the air this morning (40 degrees) and the trees at the higher elevations are turning a brilliant orange. Welcome Fall! It’s my favorite season and I’m ready for … Continued
Sunday, August 31, 2014 The girls settled in to their new home soon after we unloaded them. And yes I cried. But their new owner is thrilled with them and that makes me happy. These 4 girls will have the … Continued
Saturday, August 30, 2014 Today we’ll be delivering 4 alpacas to their new homes. ‘How can you sell them? Don’t you get attached?’ people ask me. Well it’s not easy, but I only sell them to homes where they will … Continued
Friday, August 29, 2014 We got a load of hay delivered! It involved me moving many of last year bales to a new location, but hey, that’s what Motrin is for. 😉 Another load will come today and if the … Continued
Thursday, August 28, 2014 I finally was able to get General Patton over to the girl’s barn to test the pregnancies. Almost all the pregnant girls spit at him or looked like they would if he came one step closer. … Continued
Wednesday, August 27, 2014 More rain is in the forecast for today. We seriously need to dry out! The boys hay barn is now behind a small lake! No way can a hay delivery truck go back there. Their shelter … Continued
Tuesday, August 26, 2014 Finally a night without rain! We need things to dry out a little so we can get our annual hay put in the hay barns. Rain is in the forecast again for today, I can only … Continued