A Belated happy Birthday

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Monday, May 9, 2016 It rained almost all day yesterday and oh my, we have puddles everywhere! The guardian dogs are mud covered on their bottom halves and the alpacas are looking pretty bedraggled too. A few sunny dry days however and they’ll all look … Continued


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Saturday, April 30, 2016  We made it through a tough week and here we are at the weekend! Yay for us. I’m going to try some spinning today, I think that will be a perfect activity and why not make handspun yarn … Continued

One down, two more to go

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Wednesday, April 27, 2016  I made it through my first appointment and I’m doing OK. I even got to see the veins they removed.  ewwww. Thanks so much for all the caring thoughts, email, texts etc. Only 2 more appointments instead of … Continued