Glad for warm coats!
Wednesday, May 11, 2016 It’s 24° here this morning! I’m glad we don’t even consider shearing in May, I’d have to put coats on every single one of them. As it is, they’re all quite toasty warm wearing their winter … Continued
Wednesday, May 11, 2016 It’s 24° here this morning! I’m glad we don’t even consider shearing in May, I’d have to put coats on every single one of them. As it is, they’re all quite toasty warm wearing their winter … Continued
Tuesday, May 10, 2016 Did you know our logo was created by a delightful woman in Scotland? Well, it was! We’ve slapped that fun logo on business cards, t-shirts. mugs, yarn bowls and now caps! I finally found a great company to work with, Acme Threadware, and … Continued
Monday, May 9, 2016 It rained almost all day yesterday and oh my, we have puddles everywhere! The guardian dogs are mud covered on their bottom halves and the alpacas are looking pretty bedraggled too. A few sunny dry days however and they’ll all look … Continued
Sunday, May 8, 2016 Happy Mother’s Day! To the moms who nurture little ones, both two-legged and four-legged this day is to celebrate you. I hope you can relax and have a love filled day. Some of our family will be … Continued
Friday, May 6, 2016 Thunder and some serious rain this morning has all four house dogs huddled beside me and it feels just about right. My final vein removal appointment was yesterday and today is a recovery day, so laying around … Continued
Thursday, May 5, 2016 Happy Cinco de Mayo! What are you doing for fun today? I think I’ll go have more veins pulled out of my legs. lol. Seriously, one more time and I’ll be done for now I hope. Thanks for all the healing … Continued
Wednesday, May 4, 2016 Charlotte her best day ever with the chickens yesterday. She still seems a little too interested in them but I’m very hopeful that she will not try to “rearrange” them again. She also has been my support … Continued
Tuesday, May 3, 2016 I opened the gate to let the female herd into the pasture with the stream and they loved it. A few of them went wading in the water, most of them were too busy eating the new source … Continued
Monday, May 2, 2016 It’s finally starting to feel like spring around here! Mud puddles, croaking frogs, and birds building nests all around. We have 3 robin nests right outside our bedroom and the swallows have returned too! Charlotte had another … Continued
Friday, April 29, 2016 Snow is covering the pastures this morning and it does look pretty, but come on – it’s almost May! Both my legs will be in recovery mode today so my plans are not too ambitious. It’s … Continued
Thursday, April 28, 2016 It’s a cold and rainy morning in Woodland Utah so I think I’ll go get some more veins pulled out of my other leg today. 🙄 It might take my mind off the fact that it was exactly one … Continued
Wednesday, April 27, 2016 I made it through my first appointment and I’m doing OK. I even got to see the veins they removed. ewwww. Thanks so much for all the caring thoughts, email, texts etc. Only 2 more appointments instead of … Continued