Friday March 3
Friday, March 3, 2017 We might see temps close to 40° today! I’ll feed some hay out on the snow this morning to get everyone a dose of vitamin D. When all the alpacas are out of the barn, the kittens Friday … Continued
Friday, March 3, 2017 We might see temps close to 40° today! I’ll feed some hay out on the snow this morning to get everyone a dose of vitamin D. When all the alpacas are out of the barn, the kittens Friday … Continued
Thursday, March 2, 2017 Did you ever wonder why I post these updates every single day of the week? I do it so you know there is a real person behind the web page, not an IT wizard, not an employee … Continued
Wednesday, March 1, 2017 We made it to March! Whoooo-hoooo! I know there will be lots more snow that will fall in March, but the days are lighter longer, we will see a few warmer days and the buds on the trees are starting to swell. … Continued
Tuesday, February 28, 2017 Well, we thought January was brutal but that was before we met February! It snowed most of the day yesterday and piled up more than any other storm so far this winter. It was very powdery so I was … Continued
Monday, February 27, 2017 We’re currently being slammed with yet another snow storm. It’s really piling up out there and is expected to continue most of the day today. I’d like to turn on the outside cam for you but it stopped working and I think … Continued
Sunday, February 26, 2017 A great group of people came here yesterday to learn the basics of alpaca ownership. Thanks to those who came out! We all had a good time and it’s always fun to watch people fall in love with alpacas. 🙂 It’s … Continued
Saturday, February 25, 2017 Today we are hosting an Alpacas 101 class for people who might be curious about owning alpacas. The class is full, and we’re excited to share information about these amazing creatures who share our lives at Blue Moon Ranch. It’s a whopping 1 … Continued
Friday, February 24, 2017 Winter is definitely back in Woodland! More snow, and subzero temps for tonight. We’re all OK, no worries. 🙂 My commute to the barn might be strenuous, but today is one day I’d rather be on foot than out in traffic. Be … Continued
Tuesday, February 21, 2017 It still looks like winter here which will delight our grandson who is coming to spend the day here today. He loves the snow and ice and will happily spend most of the day outside. We’ll … Continued
Monday, February 20, 2017 Over the past few months, I have become certified in Reiki after my initial studies of this healing method back in 1999. Some people think it’s “woo-woo”, but I happen to believe it works. When I’ve used my alternate … Continued
Friday, February 17, 2017 Eight years ago this month, we were getting packed for a trip to Africa. Having a son who works in US Embassies around the world does open up some unusual travel opportunities! I happened to find the SD card with … Continued
Thursday, February 16, 2017 I spent most of the day in Salt Lake City yesterday and what a different world that is. It’s only an hour away but looks like a totally different climate. I didn’t see any snow at all! Our driveway is still lined … Continued
Wednesday, February 15, 2017 The snow in the pastures has finally melted down enough that the alpacas have reclaimed their turf. OMG what fun they had out there! I know we’ll have more snow that will slow down the movement here again, but for now … Continued