Thursday August 3
Our grandson had been traveling a bit this summer and he finally came back to the ranch to see Belle. He met her when she was about 6 weeks old but was so happy to see her as a permanent … Continued
Our grandson had been traveling a bit this summer and he finally came back to the ranch to see Belle. He met her when she was about 6 weeks old but was so happy to see her as a permanent … Continued
I’ve had to remove the random update widget from the Alpaca cam Page, for the time being all updates will just be presented as a blog post. Belle Continues to be a happy active puppy. Every evening we walk throughout … Continued
Tuesday, August 1, 2017 So Vesuvio and Bronson have a new home, they both walked nicely with us to the trailer, loading was OK, then Bronson changed his mind and tried to jump out. (it was a horse trailer with … Continued
Monday, July 31, 2017 We have more visitors coming today. They already have some female alpacas and they need a really nice male to improve the herd, so we’ll be looking over our available boys and see if one or … Continued
Saturday, July 29, 2017 We did get a bit of rain on our Open Air Reiki session yesterday, but the client felt it was a wonderful experience.We were under the tent and the sound of gentle rain on the roof … Continued
Friday, July 28, 2017 We woke up to a crispy 47° this morning and if you thought Belle had puppy energy before, you shoud have seen her this morning! lol I bet she’ll love winter. Bogart the kitten follows her around … Continued
Thursday, July 27, 2017 Today I need to test some of the alpaca pregnancies that we hopefully started a few weeks ago. I prefer behavior testing to see how the female reacts to the male. Sometimes that can get rather … Continued
Wednesday, July 26, 2017 One week ago today I drove to pick up Belle! What a week it’s been. She has a way of focusing all my energy on her little brown fluffy body and many of the things I … Continued
Tuesday, July 25, 2017 Thank you from all our dogs to all our neighbors who did not blow off fireworks last night! I know there were some, but not close enough to set off the panic in the house. Nice. … Continued
Monday, July 24, 2017 If you live in Utah like we do, you know that today is a holiday. But for the rest of the world it’s just another Monday in July and you might wonder what the fuss is … Continued
Sunday, July 23, 2017 We got through a good list of chores yesterday. Traveling for 2 of the July weekends and then adding a puppy to the mix put us a bit behind on some things but we’re getting caught … Continued
Friday, July 21, 2017 The alpacas were much better around Belle close up than at a distance. Once they could see her closely, and sniff her a bit they were mostly curious. Of course the fact that I was holding … Continued
Thursday, July 20, 2017 Belle’s first day at Blue Moon Ranch couldn’t have been better. In keeping with her socialization training, we went to the Park City Farmers Market and she rode happily in her red wagon, accepting pets and praise … Continued