Wednesday January 24, 2018
Wednesday January 24, 2018 Have you noticed the extra hours of daylight lately? I sure have, especially at the end of the day. The sun is now setting at 5:33 and that extra half an hour is just what I need. … Continued
Wednesday January 24, 2018 Have you noticed the extra hours of daylight lately? I sure have, especially at the end of the day. The sun is now setting at 5:33 and that extra half an hour is just what I need. … Continued
Tuesday January 23, 2018 Those irritating lines through the cam display bug me more than you can imagine! I’ve tried checking every wire connection out there and still cannot figure out what’s causing it. Several wires are buried under too … Continued
Monday January 22, 2018 We’re getting back to normal here, our last house guest will leave today. Then there will be a glimmer of hope that my newsletter will get finished before this month is over. lol Recovering from the … Continued
Sunday January 21, 2018 The ranch is white again and all is well in our world. 🙂 Ed’s 70th birthday party last night was a great success and I’m grateful for all our friends and family who came out in … Continued
Saturday January 20, 2018 The snow has arrived! The Blue Moon “Snow Magnet” is fully functional since we are trying to have a birthday party here tonight. lol Hoping the snow plows will keep at it all day and safe … Continued
Friday January 19, 2018 It’s time for the Sundance Film Festival and you know what that means. Crowds and traffic and people who can’t stop looking at their reflections as they pass by the windows on Main Street will have us avoiding Park City … Continued
Thursday January 18, 2018 So we’ve talked it over and we’ve decide to hold a mid winter open house in February. We chose February 17 because it’s part of President’s day weekend and we often have visit requests for that weekend … Continued
Wednesday January 17, 2018 Happy happy Birthday to the guy who makes my dreams come true. Ed is 70 years young today! We’ll celebrate properly with friends and family this weekend but today is the milestone day. Whoooo-hooo! Let the … Continued
Tuesday January 16, 2018 We’re planning a bit of a “shindig” for Ed’s milestone birthday this weekend so of course the snow magnet is starting to work. You know that any event we plan brings a change in weather! Our snow … Continued
Monday January 15, 2018 I had a lovely visit with all the animals yesterday as I resumed some of the feeding chores. Of course the fact that it was in the 40’s and sunny made it easy. We’re now seeing sprouts … Continued
Sunday January 14, 2018 Ed gave me a wonderful gift yesterday and did all the animal chores for me. Yes I do love being out in the barn and caring for the animals but to take a whole day to rest … Continued
Saturday January 13, 2018 Another 40 degree day in the “winter that wasn’t”. It’s so strange that we haven’t even had one night below zero. We often see snow here til April, so there’s time to change the landscape yet, so … Continued
Friday January 12, 2018 I really thought I’d get my newsletter out yesterday, but alas I ended up back in bed again. Sometimes the important stuff shifts and a nap really is the important stuff. There is no way I … Continued
Thursday January 11, 2018 Two good things: #1 We had a skiff of snow yesterday and that meant I could use the sled to deliver hay – much easier than the cart these days. And #2 I slept for about … Continued