Bring waders!
Sunday April 7, 2019 The rain came in spurts yesterday and made things rather soggy around here. But we are seeing bits of green grass appear all around. I added some new items to the store and still have more … Continued
Sunday April 7, 2019 The rain came in spurts yesterday and made things rather soggy around here. But we are seeing bits of green grass appear all around. I added some new items to the store and still have more … Continued
Saturday April 6, 2019 It’s raining here this morning and all the alpacas are in the barns. They have been exploring new areas as soon as the snow melts and it’s been good to see them getting exercise. So … Continued
Friday April 5 2019 Because the temps have been agreeable this week, I’ve spent a bit of time outside staring at alpaca bellies looking for cria movement to confirm pregnancies. This is about as scientific as mud, but I enjoy … Continued
Thursday April 4, 2019 There’s been something/someone hiding in the hills. The dogs know it, the alpacas know it and I know it. They might even see it, but I can’t. It could be a feral cat, it could … Continued
Wednesday April 3, 2019 They make noise as soon as the sun comes up and carry on all day! They alarm the alpacas and even the guardian dogs bark at them. But we love them and eagerly anticipate their arrival … Continued
Tuesday April 2, 2019 For the first time in a long time I walked on bare ground yesterday as I took the hay out. What a nice feeling! The walking paths back to the boys are are still snow covered … Continued
Monday April 1, 2019 Brace yourself, April Fool’s day pranks and jokes are out to fool you today! So read and listen to the news with an extra measure of “I don’t believe it” Just like you should every day … Continued
Sunday March 31, 2019 As we continue to celebrate the perfect match our kids have with their new big white puppy, I also am grateful for the ones we have here who are so very different in personality and temperament. … Continued
Saturday March 30, 2019 Everything is white again. Yes it’s beautiful but I thought March was supposed to go out like a lamb if it came in like a lion. We’ve been hearing roaring all month, Mother Nature! More snow … Continued
Friday March 29 2019 We got blood samples from all the babies and they’ll soon be on their way to the alpaca registry. The blood samples, not the babies. lol I’m grateful that we had the sun show up yesterday … Continued
Thursday March 28, 2019 Today we’re going to be getting blood samples from the babies born last year to get them all in the registry. Thank you Meggan for coming to help me! We’ll just do a little prick under … Continued
Wednesday March 27, 2019 People often contact me when they hear of a Great Pyrenees in need of a new home. And that IS how we got Chief and Charlotte, but there is a limit to how many dogs one … Continued
Tuesday March 26, 2019 We have family visiting today, they arrived last night, so I might be slow to answer text or email today. I do try to answer emails within an hour or so but I don’t plan to … Continued
Monday March 25, 2019 The snow yesterday didn’t pile up much and I have great hopes for more melting today. The momentous task of winter bean removal will soon be staring me in the face and I’ll be ready. The … Continued