Saturday May 10
Saturday May 10, 2014 I checked the forecast this morning and in big red letters it says “Winter Weather Advisory!” As in 12 – 18 inches of new snow! It can’t be an April Fool’s day joke, so I’ll go … Continued
Saturday May 10, 2014 I checked the forecast this morning and in big red letters it says “Winter Weather Advisory!” As in 12 – 18 inches of new snow! It can’t be an April Fool’s day joke, so I’ll go … Continued
Friday May 9, 2014 More snow is likely today, so I guess my pasture vacuuming will have to wait. It’s pretty wet out there but also turning such a nice green. Hay consumption now is about half of what it … Continued
Thursday May 8, 2014 Bits of snow yesterday, more rain this morning, but for some reason most of the herd wanted to stay out of the barn last night. It wasn’t a downpour and they do have lots of fleece … Continued
Wednesday May 7, 2014 The new girls have been introduced to the rest of the herd and it all went very smoothly. These two will have their babies in early June, so my main concern now must be to keep … Continued
Tuesday May 6, 2014 It seems a storm is moving in. And they are even predicting snow for tomorrow! :0 I have run fecal tests on the 2 new girls, they look fine, so I might let them in with … Continued
Sunday May 4, 2014 We got our new arrivals yesterday! They are settling in nicely and they look wonderful. Those big bellies have very well bred crias kicking in them and those babies will arrive in about a month. The black … Continued
Wednesday April 30, 2014 A warming trend starts today , I think I’m ready for it. I also think it will be a perfect day to try a halter on a few of the wee ones. I’ll ask friends to … Continued
Tuesday April 29, 2014 Happy Birthday to my most awesome little grandson who turns 4 years old today!! I love being your Yaya. ♥ I hope this year is full of love and learning. We’ll have a party for you … Continued
Saturday April 26, 2014 It looks a little dreary outside but we’re still having class today. The rest of our big barn clean out, which we were hoping to do after class has been postponed until the weather improves. … Continued
Friday April 25, 2014 Rain today, snow tomorrow? Our class tomorrow is on setting up a property for alpacas. We’ll be inside for a part of the class, but we’ll have to be outside to understand catch pens, buffer … Continued
Monday April 21, 2014 You might notice that the main cam (under the overhang) has a slightly different view. It’s because we are doing a big barn clean up this year and we removed the chute that used to be under … Continued