Brown + white = green
Monday, November 2, 2015 Yay! The compost has been spread over the pastures, and although it looks a bit dreary and brown right now, I know how much nicer the green will be in the spring. What we’re hoping for … Continued
Monday, November 2, 2015 Yay! The compost has been spread over the pastures, and although it looks a bit dreary and brown right now, I know how much nicer the green will be in the spring. What we’re hoping for … Continued
Sunday, November 1, 2015 Today we’ll finish up the spreading of the compost that has been aging for 2 years. By we I mean Ed. hehe He flings sh#!t better than any one I know. It does seem like a … Continued
Saturday, October 31, 2015 Happy Halloween! I’ll be making a trip into Salt Lake city today to pick up another huge dog food order, but it will be good to have all the freezers well stocked before snowy weather sets … Continued
Friday, October 30, 2015 They’re saying we’ll see snow next week. But they also said we’d see snow yesterday, so I’ll just keep checking my weather stone for the most accurate forecast. Yes we do get pretty excited about snow … Continued
Thursday, October 29, 2015 I have two batches of soap curing in the mud room this morning and it smells heavenly out there! Peppermint and Yuzu are 2 favorites that we sell out of every single time so those are … Continued
Wednesday, October 28, 2015 It’s often during a full moon that we hear the most barking from the dogs outside. So I wasn’t surprised to hear the guardian dogs around midnight last night telling some creature not to come any … Continued
Tuesday, October 27, 2015 It’s 28° here this morning. We’re getting ready for winter and the frost is officially on the pumpkin! Oh we’ll have plenty of nice days yet but the waning daylight and cooler temps have us all … Continued
Monday, October 26, 2015 We had to be away from the ranch for a while last night and how sweet it was to see all three white dogs guarding the place when we got home in the dark. Charlotte has … Continued
Sunday, October 25, 2015 We had a fun handling class yesterday! Even though I don’t usually start the babies until they’re 6 months or older, it went really well and 4 of them have now had their first halter experience … Continued
Saturday, October 24, 2015 We’re having a class today on alpaca handling. Should be fun! The weather looks like it will cooperate with us, no precipitation and cool enough that the herd will be happy. Charlotte has been here for … Continued
Friday, October 23, 2015 I wasn’t even going to mention this, because I like to keep things upbeat, but we lost our dear old barn cat Thelma this week. She was 17 years old she lived a happy life with … Continued
Thursday, October 22, 2015 Our October newsletter finally found it’s way out of my computer yesterday. If you’d like a copy sent to your inbox and didn’t get one, please sign up using the link at the bottom of this … Continued
Wednesday, October 21, 2015 Well guess who has a new job? Charlotte, formerly known as Big Ginger was officially hired yesterday. 🙂 She picked her new name with the help of our animal communicator and is really happy to know … Continued
Tuesday, October 20, 2015 Today I’ve asked an animal communicator to come talk to Big Ginger and the other dogs. Roll your eyes if you like, this person has a real gift for talking to animals and helping me understand … Continued