RIP Matilda
June 2, 2017 My heart is broken. We lost our sweet Matilda last night. She lost her appetite and started running a fever on Wednesday and I took her right in to the vet. Bloodwork normal, ultrasound showed no obstruction … Continued
June 2, 2017 My heart is broken. We lost our sweet Matilda last night. She lost her appetite and started running a fever on Wednesday and I took her right in to the vet. Bloodwork normal, ultrasound showed no obstruction … Continued
Thursday, June 1, 2017 Just when I thought things were starting to settle down I found myself on the way to an emergency vet visit with my sweet Matilda. A 105° fever and no appetite is nothing I’ll mess around with, so … Continued
Wednesday, May 31, 2017 We’ve planned our next Open Barn Day for June 24. We will celebrate the harvest of our fleeces and have some for sale that day too. We’ll have spinning demonstrations all afternoon and the walking paths will be … Continued
Tuesday, May 30, 2017 Our irrigation pumps are working, the screens are up on the house windows, flower baskets are hanging on the porch. It feels like winter finally let go! The alpacas are looking for shade in the barn … Continued
Monday, May 29, 2017 It looks like we will finally see temps near 70 today! whooo-hooo! It’s pasture clean up day now that the pasture vac (AKA poop sucker) has been repaired. There are always projects and chores to be … Continued
Sunday, May 27, 2017 Usually by the end of May I’m pretty darm frustrated that we don’t have a shearing date yet. But it’s been so darn cold this year it’s hard to be upset. I was born with an overabundance … Continued
Friday, May 25, 2017 Well, I didnt think it would happen that fast. But when 2 sweet kittens at the county shelter needed a home and it shows up in my news feed, well, let’s say some things are meant … Continued
Wednesday, May 24, 2017 It’s finally clean out the barn day! I rather like the warm cozy feel in there right now, and so do the animals, but summer is coming and a nice cool floor will be more appreciated. … Continued
Tuesday, May 23, 2017 The Pyrenees are shedding their winter coats and white tufts of dog hair are all over the pastures. I do comb and brush all 3 of them as much as I can, but much of it … Continued
Monday, May 22, 2017 Cloudy skies and occasional rain yesterday made for some interesting photos. The boys especially seem to know when I’m taking pictures and they really do pose for me. The girls seem a bit more camera shy … Continued
Saturday, May 20, 2017 Well it’s still not warm enough for the baskets of flowers to stay outside overnight, but it looks like we will have a pretty pleasant Saturday. We finally have a plan for getting the winter bedding … Continued
Friday, May 19, 2017 Well I guess it’s time I share a bit of sadness that Ive been keeping to myself. We lost our beloved kitten Friday last week. We found him last Thursday before Open Barn day and I … Continued
Thursday, May 18, 2017 It’s 17° here this morning! That kind of takes the edge off my urgency with confirming our shearing date. The thought of 60 shivering alpacas just doesn’t sit well in my head. It looks like it will … Continued
Wednesday, May 17, 2017 Oh my goodness. It’s 29° and snowing! Since the alpacas are still wearing their full winter coats this is just a perfect day for them. The four house dogs are snoring at my feet and are … Continued