Happy New Year!

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Tuesday December 31, 2024  Wrapping up a busy 2024 and looking forward to a magical 2025! We had a quiet Christmas, it felt strange to be just the 2 of us but it was also quite peaceful.  Facetime worked for family chats! We went to Old Town Albuquerque on Christmas Eve and saw all the luminarias and marveled at the mild weather. (I did bring my trusty Eddie Bauer 20 below zero coat but starting to wonder if I’ll ever use it!!)

I found a wonderful group of fiber people just a mile or two from our house.  They have classes, a place to hang out and work on any fiber projects and even a retail store!  It was a more active bunch of fiber artists than I’ve ever seen in one place in Utah. And yes I’ve been to many fiber festivals. Lucky me!

We also visited the Bosque del Apache Wildlife refuge and saw another side of enchanting New Mexico.  The 57,000 acre refuge was established in 1939 to provide a critical stopover site for migrating waterfowl. The refuge is well known for the tens of thousands of cranes, geese, and ducks who winter here each year.  We saw so many sandhill cranes and snow geese it was just amazing. We have a long list of places in New Mexico to visit, but we decided to start with this one since the winter is best for bird viewing.  I got out my Canon with my telephoto lenses, charged the battery and left the whole camera bag on the counter as we drove away.  ha!  So all pics are with my iPhone. They say the best camera is the one you have with you, right?  The mountains in the photos are Chupadera Mountains, such a fun word to say! Try it, you’ll like it. 😊

New Year’s Eve will be quiet for us as usual. We gave up the midnight celebrating years ago. lol  We’ll toss a nice steak on the grill, have a glass of bubbly and call it a pretty good year. Hoping the fireworks, if there are any, won’t be as crazy is they were in Utah.  Our youngest son and his family will be here any day now and we’ll be excited to see them.

I wish you good health and happiness in 2025. And thanks as always for checking in.

Photos: Happy Holidays from us!

Yes we did put a tree up!


The mantle got some twinkle light to cheer things up.  


Christmas Day Road runner in the front yard!


Bosque del Apache


Luminarias on Christmas Eve.


We also found a lovely place for a walking in our new neighborhood.

6 Responses

  1. Gigi Caito

    New traditions! I was going through β€œstuff” and found my Millie yarn. Special indeed! Happy New Year, Linda and Ed!

    • Linda

      Thanks Gigi! How fun that you found some of Millie’s yarn. I just made a hat today with yarn from Harry Potter and Lincoln!
      Happy New Year to you and your family.

  2. Maureen Lifton

    Happy New Year to you and Ed! Your pictures are awesome. Wishing you and Ed a beautiful 2025.

  3. Caryl Frink

    I’m late to say, Happy New Year, but I’ll say it anyway – Happy and healthy 2025 ! You left so much to move but I am amazed how you landed amidst such a different beauty. Thanks for sharing these photos and the little movie.

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