From the land of Enchantment

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Saturday, September 7, 2024  We are far from settled, but we are in our new home and tackling the unpacking at our own pace. The dogs made the trip better than I expected.  10 hours without a potty break!
I got them up early to eat and run around and then I packed so much stuff around them, I’m not sure I could get them back in the car if they got out. So on we went. We arrived just before dark on Wednesday and now a few days later, the dogs seem to have totally settled in. Farmer Ed drove his car and took 2 days to make the trip to give his back a break from all the sitting. But he’s here and we are all so happy!

My daughter did an amazing job of unpacking and organizing the new kitchen and I’m forever grateful. The rest will happen more slowly as she left to go back to Utah yesterday. She and her family will eventually live in New Mexico too. 😁 I originally though she might move before us but things happen as they need to.

Some of the rescue horses are already enjoying the magic of Blue Moon Ranch. Seriously, the rescue people said they can just feel the amazing good energy of the place. And the horses love the grass. I must emphasize to any of my local friends and followers that the ranch is not open for tours, drop ins, staring over the fence or any other visits. It was part of the legal agreement that had to be signed before the deal was final for the rescue situation to happen. We appreciate your understanding.

New Mexico really is called the land of enchantment. Watch the brief video of my new front yard and tell me if you don’t feel the magic here too.

The Blue Moon cats are being loved and cared for by the rescue people and they have sent me photos and videos of all 4 of them. Toothless is a new farm favorite! I could not have asked for a better situation for my dear feline family.

I will update again as time allows, but as always thanks for checking in.

Photos of the day: Dogs were just happy we didn’t leave without them!  They both had a bath before we left. Yay for dogs that don’t stink!  lol


Magical front yard. I LOVE that wind chime!


That pile of paper doubled before we were done unpacking the kitchen!


Happy pups.


Beautiful rescue horse enjoying golden hour at Blue Moon Ranch.


10 Responses

    • Linda

      Gigi! How nice to “hear” from you!
      It is indeed a happy place and we’re grateful it all happened the way it did.

  1. Lana

    Happy that you have arrived at the new home. My sympathies toward the unpacking. What a pile of paper! lol
    That horse is beautiful and what a wonderful way to use the ranch’s great pastures. Enjoy the new life.

    • Linda

      Thanks Lana. The unpacking is pretty painful, but at least we can pace ourselves now that our daughter got the kitchen done. We have beds to sleep in and a kitchen to eat in and the rest will happen as it happens. Can’t complain!

  2. Brenda

    I’m so happy for everyone, critters included! You’ve had quite a journey. One day I hope to see a lovely coffee table book with your photos and narrative about it all! I’ve loved following you and I thank you for the hours of entertainment. You are a gifted artist and writer! I wish you many wonderful new chapters! xoxo

  3. Carol Thornton

    Love, love, LOVE the photos and videos. Glad you are all settling in. Looks glorious. xx

  4. leonliang


    I am a fan of your website, Bluemoon Ranch, even though I am from China and my English is not very good. I have always enjoyed browsing your content and looking at the lovely pictures of alpacas. Your grandson is so adorable!

    I first discovered your site around 2008, and although I didn’t visit frequently, I remember there used to be a live video stream. I even watched the alpacas getting sheared once—such a fun experience!

    It has been a few years since I last visited, but today I suddenly thought of your website again and decided to check it out. I noticed that you are now selling your herd and preparing for retirement. I also want to say how beautiful your farm is. I’ve always admired the peaceful environment—the sky and land there are so comforting and inviting.

    I wish you all the best for your future and good health.

    A friend from Zhuhai, Guangdong

    • Linda

      Thank you for your kind words. I did used to have a live feed of the alpaca barn, but Technology changed quickly and my equipment became outdated. It’s nice to know you enjoyed it while it was still happening.

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