Good changes

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Wednesday, August 28, 2024  For the past two nights, we’ve been watching hay being delivered and stacked in our hay barn. Whaaatt?

I’m so excited to share with you that Blue Moon Ranch will now provide a home to some very deserving rescue horses.  These horses have been given a second chance at life and we are thrilled that they will bring life back to this magical place. No tours, no visitors, just a new home for these majestic animals. The barns, pastures and creek will once again be supporting some very loved animals, and I couldn’t be happier.  

And do you know who is happiest of all? Toothless!  We walked all over the pastures and he followed the horse rescue people every step of the way like a puppy dog!  He let me know that he wants to stay here and is happy to know these people will be coming back daily to tend the horses …. and make sure he and the other cats always have food and water.

The name of the horse rescue is Rescue Ranchito and you can read about them on their website  or you can follow them on instagram.

I’ll share more photos when I have them. 😁

Also, you might have noticed that I removed the online store from the website. But never fear. I am moving all my soap making supplies and have a dedicated soaping zone in the new house. Even better than that I have a fiber room where I will be able to continue working on my spirit dolls and spinning yarn to my heart content. But at the moment, I don’t even know where my packing tape is so it would be pretty difficult to be shipping out orders. That will be resumed once we are settled.

Change can be hard but this is one change I feel 100% good about.  As always, thanks for checking in.  🙏


Photo of the day: Toothless hangs with his new BFFs in the Hay barn. yay!

It’s all good!  Now can i sit on your lap?    ~Toothless the barn cat


8 Responses

  1. Sunny

    I LOVE IT!! Of COURSE BMR should be a horse rescue. Toothless is so darling and I am glad he gets to stay on at BMR. It also sounds like you manifested the perfect house for you and farmer. Ed ❤️

  2. Lana

    OMG!!! I am so happy that your beautiful ranch will now be used by horses! And rescue horses at that. Will your family still use the house? So happy for the cats too, and especially that black beauty of a cat you have. It is a perfect place for horses. I got emotional reading it. I’m so happy for you now. And funny thing, we just got hay delivered last night. It is always so satisfying to see that stuff being loaded into the loft, even though at the moment we still have plenty of grass.
    Great news.

    • Linda

      It is such a perfect match for this organization to be able to house horses here, isn’t it? Lana, I wish you could have seen Toothless following them all over – he loves them! Cutest thing ever and one less heartache for me.
      Yes one son owns the property,he is agreeable to this arrangement and we’ll all be able to gather here from time to time. I can’t wait to see horses standing in these pastures!
      I remember clearly the big sigh of relief when all the barns were filled with hay for the winter months.

  3. Brenda Sorensen

    This is wonderful news!! It’s a win-win for sure. So happy for you and so happy for Toothless! Things just keep working out for you, but no one deserves it more! The animals have always been high priority and you’ve succeeded so admirably to make sure they are in good hands! Now these lucky horses will enjoy your hard work. And you and Ed will be safe and happy this winter! Well done!

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