Happy St. Patrick’s Day and a Toothless update

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Sunday March 17, 2024  Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  Corned beef and cabbage in the crock pot and the snow levels are receding, What more could we ask for?  Oh a Toothless update maybe?  Well guess what, we have actually connected with touching!  When I went out to feed the cats a few day ago, Little Toothless was batting around a leaf, like cats do, so I thought he might be in a playful mood. I put my hand out in front of him and he batted at my fingers.  We interacted! I decided not to push it any further.  Then yesterday I got even braver and approached slowly and tried to run my hands slowly over his back.  He didn’t move!  He might have even enjoyed it.  What progress from the wild thing that showed up here on Feb 7.  I was able to get a quick look under his tail and I’m now thinking he is indeed a boy.  Whew. We will of course have him neutered but I can breathe a little easier knowing we hopefully won’t have a litter of kittens arriving soon.

Dismantling my office continues as we prepare to rip out the carpet and replace the flooring. How do people do such things while living in a house???  One step at a time I guess and ask for help as needed!   Be well and as always, thanks for checking in.


Photo of the day: A rerun from 2017, but still cute enough to share.  🍀

Red arrow shows the secret entrance into the ‘cat house’. The ‘cat house’ keeps them safe from predators and provides a warm place to shelter from weather as needed. Toothless is finally venturing out of the cat house. For weeks, I only saw him inside. He’s more and more comfortable here every day. Also he’s getting bigger! 

3 Responses

  1. Lana

    Hooray for patience! Once he lets you pat him, you are home free. Well, maybe. But it is a big moment. Yay!

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