We had to try

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Wednesday, March 8, 2023  It was a beautiful sunny afternoon, I thought perhaps the snow had shrunk by an inch or so and I was feeling confident about the new hot wire fencing.  “Let’s let the dogs out for some exercise, the fence is working, right?”  Farmer Ed wasn’t as confident as I was but he reluctantly agreed it was probably time to try. Oh, they were so happy to run in the deep snow and say hello to the alpacas!  And in a flash, Blue was gone. ugh. We could see where he stepped right over a gate to the road. We spent the rest of the afternoon, just until dark searching for him, spotting him and then watching him go further away.  Frustrating to say the least. We met so many people on the road who would tell us where they saw him, and I finally went back home to get Juno out to walk with me, hoping he’d see his girlfriend and come back. Farmer Ed was still cruising the neighborhood with his car.  Then we heard that 2 boys had him and were waiting for us up the road. Luckily he had a collar on and he seemed happy to hang with the boys. We leashed him up and got him home just before dark.  With more snow coming at the end of the week, I cannot see any way that we can let him out in the near future.  This too shall pass.  And both guardian dogs got lots of exercise yesterday!  Have a good Wednesday! 

Photo of the day: Sweet alpacas never try to leave. ❤️

4 Responses

  1. Gigi Caito

    Sigh! I bet he was really tired last night! Henri breached again, going next door to visit Scout (English Bulldog) and Harper (greyhound). They were all so excited. Vivian alerted me to his visit so I retrieved him and even took the collar off to cross back over. What I discovered was that the fence wasn’t plugged in. An easy fix.

    Hope Blue has had enough adventures and will stay put!

    • Linda

      Thanks Gigi. We were ALL really tired last night! 😊 I’ve seen so many lost dogs posted on local social media sites, i don’t think we’re alone! Glad you found an easy fix for Henri.

  2. Lana

    Thank goodness alpacas don’t try to escape. Our paddock fences are buried, but our alpacas don’t like to walk in 3 inches of snow, much less 3 feet! lol (Snowblower makes high snow piles all around the paddocks)

    • Linda

      That’s one thing to be glad about! Our alpacas have been stuck in the barns for so long, I hope they remember how to run! I can’t wait to see that again.

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