Sunday, January 3, 2021 What did you do on the first Saturday of the year? We got rid of piles of thistles! These nasty things have been growing on the new property for ages and we learned the hard way that thistles and alpacas and shaggy white dogs don’t mix well. We won’t use any chemicals to stop them so all the removal work is manual. But I do believe we got them all up! Perfect timing – before they get covered by snow. We’ll let the herd over there for exercise and fun until the snow stops us. The alpacas raced and jumped and frolicked like little kids, Such fun to watch! (video to come) The guardian dogs enjoyed the expanded territory and even Chief seemed to enjoy his day. Charlotte does a perimeter check and then comes back to rest near the barn, and Blue was running around there all day. And he came back thistle free! Today we rest and watch it snow. stay well!
Photos of the Day: So far, he’s man of the year here! That’s a LOT of thistles he picked up. (I mostly supervised and picked up a few)
In case you need a close up of these nasty things.
But now we can safely let the herd run there! Blue is the dog running with the herd. This is the view from Lower River Road. So many cars stopped to look yesterday!

Oh. My. Gosh! Those ARE nasty things! Applause for Ed! When I first moved to Timber Lakes my property had been vacant for a while and it took me an entire 3-day weekend to dig up all the thistle. Hard work when you are not using chemicals.