Tuesday June 16, 2020 Yesterday we leaned about hard work and perseverance. I told him that if he bagged and moved the alpaca beans, he would earn any money from the ones we sell this week. So he was motivated and bagged 7 bags, with just a puppy for help. 🐾 All 7 bags are filled to the brim with our amazing alpaca beans and ready to help your garden thrive.
So how can you help? Go to the store, buy a bag or two of beans, take a lovely drive out to Woodland and take home the best soil amendment ever for your plants or garden. Help a kid learn that hard work really does pay. Your bags once paid for, will have your name on them and be waiting under the big tree in the driveway. We tape them so they won’t spill and spray a disinfectant on the outside just to be safe. Thanks! #supportalocalfarmer
Photos of the day: Bagging the beans with a “puppy assistant”. What, I am helping! (And you can see how nice and chopped the beans are)
The bags are so heavy, but he moved them all by himself.
Then we got a flat tire so the last move was all by hand. But he did it!
You can buy the bags here Thanks!
Maureen Lifton
Such a hard working young man. And the Alpacas keep on smiling! 🙂
Gigi Caito
What valuable lessons. If only I lived near you I would be there pronto to buy some beans. Probably some other stuff too!
I love these photos on so many levels!! I wish I would have waited to purchase my bag o’ beans till now! BTW, this is the first time I have used “magic beans” and I gotta tell ya, they have resurrected some of my vegetables that I started from seed and thought I was going to lose!