Sunday November 10, 2019 Our grandson loves to fish, and he keeps a few poles here if any one wants to walk to the River with him and sometimes just for fun, he drops a line in the creek at the ranch. Well yesterday he almost caught a whopper! Right off the bridge behind Yaya’s Yarn barn! I heard the splashing and worried he might have fallen in, but it was a really big fish! “Yaya – grab the net!” he said. It was a Utah brown trout from what we saw, but the big ones always get away, right? What did he use for bait? A piece of bread! Perhaps he has the fisherman’s touch in addition to the alpaca touch. They are definitely drawn to him. Adventures will continue today and more visitors are coming. He loves to help with the tours too! Happy Sunday!
Photo of the day: Are they drawn to him or maybe they are jealous of his hair? lol
I’m beginning to think he just may be the next all over animal whisperer!
He’s getting big!
Happy Sunday!
Gigi Caito