RIP little brother

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Sunday Sept 22, 2019 I was 2 years old when they brought him home from the hospital. I had my very own baby doll for a while. We tussled of course as we grew up but I watched him grow into an amazing man, father and grandfather. He learned from my dad who was the very best at those things. We were devastated when he was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in 2018 but he fought so hard and was able to see his last grandchild born last March and that made him so very happy. But we lost him on Friday, our family is grieving and we’ll hold him in our hearts forever. 💔

Photo of the day: RIP Ken Gardner. I love you.

2 Responses


    Oh Linda, my heart goes out to you and your family. Love, hugs and prayers to help you through this difficult time.

  2. Karylyn Bliss

    I know your emotions of losing a brother as mine died in 2015. My heart is with you at this tremendously difficult time. Much love and sympathies.

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