Wednesday August 7 2019 Just in case you think it’s always perfect here with beautiful babies popping out easily, let me assure you yesterday did not go as planned. Actually it started out fine, Madeline had a normal easy birth and had a sweet little fawn boy for a playmate for Ryder. He’s up, he’s nursing and all is well. Then I noticed Marcella is also in labor! Great! Because baby #1 is doing so well I knew I could handle 2 in one day. Wrong. Oh was I ever wrong. The head emerged perfectly and usually the legs pop out shortly thereafter. Hmmmm, no legs? I’ll give her another few minutes. Still no legs. OK, lets go in and find those toes and maybe they needed a little help. She stood still for me in the pasture as I lubed up and tried to find the legs. No legs to be found. Now I was starting to get concerned, and as i pushed my arm in further, she was hurting and would not stand still. I don’t blame her! I called my friend Beth to see if she could come hold her and I thought I could still get those legs out if Marcella would stand still. Wrong wrong wrong. Beth did come, but we were not having any success. I called my vet who was unavailable but could maybe arrive by 6:30 pm. This baby has been head out since noon and I didn’t think it would last that long. I called another friend who also owns alpacas and she and her husband came to assist. Debs hands are smaller than mine and I hoped she could get the feet that were facing back. One baby knee was forward, the other leg back at the shoulder. We tried for what seemed like an eternity and were getting no where and Marcella was getting less and less cooperative (that’s a mild way to explain it, I can show you my bruises) Our vet had talked Deb through putting a tiny rope around the baby’s one foot and Deb did that before the vet arrived. I had been feeling the baby’s head and noticed lots of swelling under the jaw and baby’s ears were turning black. I decided we needed to keep the head propped up and we used a roll of paper towels to help support him and he did look better after we kept his head up for a while. Back on the phone to the vet – as well as every vet that our collective minds could think of out there, no one could come. I asked my first vet what would she charge me to cancel all her other appointments and come to Blue Moon. And she said OK, she could be here a little earlier, but it was still close to 5 when she arrived. After initial exam, me vet said “Linda, we’re probably not going to be able to save them both, it will be one or the other” Oh boy. Lots of pulling, a little sedation for Marcella and she got one foot out. The other was even further back, but finally it came out along with the rest of a very bloody and bruised baby. And by some miracle they were both alive. We were concerned for mom hemorrhaging with possible uterine tears but the bleeding was minimal. Baby seemed very strong, even if bruised. Marcella needed to recover from her ordeal, but seemed mildly interested in her baby. A good sign. Baby drank several bottles of colostrum and was running around the pasture an hour after his birth. Amazing!! Marcella finally got up and passed the placenta about 3 hours later. I desperately needed to sleep so I gave one last bottle and hoped for a bonding miracle overnight. First thing i saw this morning was Marcella standing and baby nursing. Miracles do happen.
Huge thanks to my vet, Tracy Wright, also Beth, Jim and Deb for coming to help. Thanks Jim for bringing those bottles of water!! I didn’t realize how dehydrated I was. I should try to name this little guy after all of you, but because of his bruises and bloody face, along with a very tough spirit, we’re going to call him Rocky. Thanks again to all of you. You helped us make a miracle.
View these photos only if you are not upset by blood, captions above photos:
Madeline’s baby arrived without any problems and has a doting mama.Running in an hour!
And what looks like another normal birth! wonderful
Head and no feet isn’t looking right.
Definitely not right. Feet should be out by now. Deb M is trying to find feet after i tried for hours without success.
After Marcella kushed from exhaustion we propped baby’s head on paper towels. It helped a lot! Now we just waited for the vet to arrive.
Dr. Tracy arrived and got one foot out!And then found the other leg so far back there!
Hang on baby. we’re doing everything we can to get you out.
Both alive!
He resembled a flamingo with all the blood turning him pink. I didn’t want to wash him until I was sure they had bonded.
Two miracles, thanks to a bunch of great helpers and one amazing vet.
Bruised and bloody but up on his feet, that’s our Rocky.
Mary Cruickshank-Peed
Oh my god, Linda! I’m so glad everything turned out right in the end. We had a horse who had a big colt with his legs back… we saved both of them, but he never walked right on that knee… his knee was damaged in the birth process. He lived to a ripe old age, but his leg was always stiff.
I was pretty amazed when he stood up and was able to walk so well on both front legs!
Pat Sylvester
I realized I was holding my breath as I read this through! So happy!! Tears in my eyes.
Susanne Evon
Amazing! So happy for you! A great result! Go Rocky!
I love this story!! So thankful for the happy miracle!!
OMG Linda! So glad everyone is okay. Rocky is a perfect name!!! I hope #3 comes easier! Yes, I was holding my breathe too and couldn’t read fast enough!!
Carolina Ferrin
Wow! This story had me holding my breath (like another reader). You have a special community that comes together in crisis and I was cheering you and Rocky and mama on! {theme song and victory run up steps in mind}. Well done to all! Beautiful baby and mamma and community!
Jacque Ence
I’ve delivered goat kids this way. I’m so sorry that was so hard for you guys. I’m so glad that all was well in the end. Keep an eye on Marcella for infection. Congrats. Moments like this make the heartache worth it.
She is on antibiotics. And we’re watching her closely. 🙂
Jill Longshore
Thanks for sharing. So glad there was a happy ending!
Lynne Johnson
Wow! Just wow. Good job! So glad you had a happy ending.
Gigi Caito
Oh my heavens! Rocky is a beautiful little miracle. I am sorry it was such a hard delivery – for everyone, but especially Marcella and Rocky. Sometimes it takes a village. Thanks to the team who worked to get this cria born.
Meggan Reep
Bless you all! I’m so glad everything turned out okay!
You and your team are amazing. I’m so glad all the hard work paid off. I’ll keep these two in my list of energy gifts for the next few weeks.
Diena Riddle
Thanks for sharing this story because they aren’t always easy and this one ended up happy although Rocky! I’m so so happy for you and friends like Deb and Jim!
Brenda Sorensen
I’m in awe and a bit tearful. Your “team” was/is incredible. So grateful for the happy outcome. So admire the courage it must take to manage all aspects of stewarding this beautiful herd.
Ohh the poor little thing. He and momma need some loving.
You did amazing!! Good thing you were there, god only knows what would have happened- you would have lost them both.
I can’t wait to see him grow!
Wow! Job well done by one and all with a very happy ending. What a day!
Jen Johnson
Oh my stars, Linda! I couldn’t handle reading the whole thing-I had to scroll down to make sure that sweet Marcella and babes were ok first. Then I went back and read the details. I felt so much anxiety just reading what you went through. I can’t imagine how you felt! Bless you and your wonderful support group for saving them both. I’m still in shock that Marcella had such a hard labor. If I remember correctly she’s had several crias with no complications at all. I hope that she heals quickly and regains her health and strength, poor thing. Thank heavens for miracles! Now you have three little boys running around. It’ll be interesting to see if you get any little girls this year. Take care of yourself! Miss you!
Jen I miss you too! Please call if you are in the area and can come visit someday. 🙂
Kim McElliott
I’m so happy to see that all turned out well. Perfect name