Friday, July 21, 2017 The alpacas were much better around Belle close up than at a distance. Once they could see her closely, and sniff her a bit they were mostly curious. Of course the fact that I was holding her made her not a threat. The guardian dogs were OK with her too. Especially Charlotte! I put her on the ground for a few minutes and the alpacas gathered around. Remember this little girl was born on an alpaca farm so she thinks they are just part of normal surroundings. She was way more interested in chewing on a little piece of alpaca poop that she found so they felt safe approaching her. 🙂 It was another good day. In the past we have always kept our house dogs quite separate from our alpacas and guardian dogs. But I think Belle will be different, and I hope she will be able to accompany me as I do my alpaca chores daily. She will never be in the pasture unsupervised, but hopefully she will be my companion when I’m out there. Happy Friday!
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